A friend sent me a brief but inspirational video today that a friend sent her. I wish I knew the source, but suffice to say, it put into words the one thing I plan to drill down on in 2021: Just keep moving.
Far too many things are out of our control these days. So what can you control — what you do and how you think. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the many goals you may have (much less the day to day), think about what you can do every day, no matter how small, and what will move you one step closer to what you want to accomplish. And by the way, that may be something as small as finishing a book, a workout challenge or cleaning out a junk drawer.
Moving doesn’t have to be physical. You can lift someone else’s spirits too. Or someone else can lift yours, offering inspiration or encouragement to create or to invent. It’s been said that when you’re moving there’s no time for fear because it pushes you forward and makes you stronger and wiser. I’ll accept that.
There is no measurement to your movement. Just make every day count. Move the needle somehow.
My inspiration today – Alicia Keys posted on her Insta – “This year there’s no limit to us!! Let’s create the unimaginable.”