Make a change, be kind to the planet and enter for a chance to win a chic, reusable ECOBAG (see tip #10)! Whether you live in a big city or out in the country, Earth Day is a perfect wake-up call to make a difference and help the Earth with these 10 easy steps (click on the links for NYC suggestions)!
1. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle/Coffee Cup.
2. Support a Farmers Market.
3. Choose Farm to Table Restaurants like ABC Kitchen.
4. Choose an eco-friendly mode of public transportation, be it a rickshaw or a bicycle.
5. Buy local and in season.
6. Compost with your neighbors.
7. Plant a kitchen window herb garden.
8. Recycle everywhere you go.
9. Buy Thrift or Vintage.

10. Carry a Reusable Bag. Just say “no” to single-use bags! It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a new dress or picking out fresh produce at the Farmers’ Market – ask yourself “Can I reuse it, recycle it or is it just trash?” Less than 2% of plastic shopping bags actually get recycled.