NY – New York City has so many ways to have a “green experience” that it’s challenging to pick only a few things to do. Of course you can spend time in Central Park or head out to the Brooklyn or Queens Botanical Gardens, but to have a full out green experience, challenge yourself to “create no waste” on all of your excursions. This means you’ll be heading out with a water bottle you can refill (there are 3114 public drinking fountains and there’s an app to find them) and a reusable shopping bag expandable & lightweight (such as ECOBAGS), so you can say “no” to all types of single-use plastic or paper bags.
Here are a few things I love to do in NYC that are as green as you get:

New York is a walking town and what could be greener? Pick a neighborhood you’ve never been in, like Washington Heights and walk around. Check out the Cloisters while you’re there and marvel at the views of the Hudson River. You can take the subway (A Train) north to start your exploration. But, if you’re in more of a “downtown” mood, don’t feel like walking but really want the Hudson views, rent a bike, and ride off-road on the west side Greenway down to Battery Park. If you still have steam, you can turn around and ride all the way north to the upper west side. It’s a super easy ride (totally flat). Check out the amazing Hudson River sunsets along any of the piers, if you’re still riding toward dusk.

While you’re biking or walking all over the city, you’re going to get hungry and thirsty. There are lots of Farm To Table Options, like Cleaver Company at the Chelsea Market or Farmers Markets. Skip “take-away cups and plates. Sit down and eat!”
Feel like you need to do some shopping and get some NYC style on? Tap into the RECYCLE part of the three R’s. Housing Works is the best thrift store in NYC and there are locations everywhere. You’ll find everything from clothes to lamps, books and furniture. The curated selection is amazing. Housing Works supports people living with HIV-AIDS. Here’s more information on their mission. What is greener than contributing to a cause that’s about building and caring for a community!
Click here for more on Sharon and ECOBAGS.